GU-Q Faculty Fellowship
In order to enhance research opportunities for members of the university, CIRS launched an annual fellowship to be awarded to a member of the GU-Q faculty. The fellowship supports original research, and is awarded to faculty members who propose to use the time granted to pursue high quality projects with promising prospects for publication in leading journals or university presses. The fellowship entails a one-course release from teaching per academic year, in either the fall or spring semester, to a deserving member of the SFS-Q faculty to enable concentration on a research project. The selected fellow is appointed for one academic year, and is expected to be in residence in Doha during the period of the fellowship. Fellows will be asked to give a presentation of their research at a CIRS-sponsored talk, and, where possible, to contribute to CIRS’s research agenda.
CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow 2020-2021

Eddie Kolla has taught history for 10 years at Georgetown University in Qatar. He has also held research fellowships, most recently, at the Institute for Historical Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany. His work sits at the intersection of history, international relations, and law and includes Sovereignty, International Law, and the French Revolution (Cambridge, 2017).
He is currently finishing a book on the history of passports. People take it for granted that they require a passport to travel. And yet, surprisingly, neither the form nor function of today’s passport is codified in international law. Rather, the story of how these little booklets developed is an incredibly idiosyncratic one, in which a number of features of travel documents throughout history informally and haphazardly coalesced into the now-ubiquitous and indispensable passport, issued and accepted by states around the world but still lacking a solid foundation in international law.
- Read about Karine Walther and Uday Chandra, CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellows for 2019-2020
- Read about Phoebe Musandu, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2018-2019
- Read about Mongoljin Batsaikhan, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2017-2018
- Read about Abdullah A. Al-Arian, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2016-2017
- Read about Firat Oruc, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2015-2016
- Read about Amira El-Zein, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2014-2015
- Read about Mohamed Zayani, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2013-2014
- Read about Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf, the CIRS GU-Q Faculty Fellow for 2012-2013