Amira Sonbol on Cairo Women of the Darb

On October 30, 2007, CIRS hosted its inaugural Monthly Dialogue Series event with a presentation by Professor Amira Sonbol. Professor Sonbol discussed her research on Cairo women's lives with an audience of…

Patrick Laude on the Ambassadors of Inner Islam

On November 28, 2007, forty invited guests gathered in the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar Library to listen to Professor Patrick Laude speak about "The Ambassadors of Inner Islam and…

Hany El Banna and Azhari Gasim Ahmed

Earlier in the day, the Working Group symposium was held at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar. The symposium focused on institutions; relationships among public, private, and religiously inspired actors; financing issues; and other issues such as children, education, health, and gender.

John Esposito on What a Billion Muslims Really Think

World-renowned scholar and prolific author John L. Esposito spoke to an audience of nearly 400 guests on February 17, 2008 at the Diplomatic Club in Doha. In his remarks, the Georgetown University…

Global Media Between Dialogue and War: When Enemies Boost the Ratings

On Tuesday February 26, 2008, CIRS hosted a one-day conference with the Italian organization Reset - Dialogues on Civilizations at Weill Cornell Lecture Hall 2. This symposium featured an intensive set of discussions in which experts from the fields of media, journalism, international relations, and film studies came together to deliberate the consequences of using the international…