Migrant Labor in the Gulf

Migrant Labor in the Gulf

The Migrant Labor in the Persian Gulf research initiative examines the multiple causes, processes, and consequences of labor migration in this region from the disciplinary perspectives of sociology, anthropology, political science, and economics. The outcome of this project is the Migrant Labor in the Persian Gulf book that critically analyzes the effects of migration on native communities through original and empirically grounded research, identifying the types and functions of formal and informal binational and multinational networks emerging from and sustaining migration patterns. The authors of this edited volume also explore the role of recruitment agencies, as well as look at the values and behaviors of migrant workers both before and after they set off for the Persian Gulf.

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Awarded Projects

Migrant Labor In The Gulf Grant Awardees In 2009, CIRS launched a research initiative to study migrant labor issues in the Gulf region. The initiative has two distinct but interrelated…
Background and Scope of the Project

Background and Scope of the Project

Millions of people across the globe each year leave their homes and travel to distant countries for employment purposes. The number of migrants crossing borders in search of financial opportunity and…
Working Group Meetings

Working Group Meetings

Click here to read about the “Migrant Labor in the Gulf” Working Group Meeting I Click here to read about the “Migrant Labor in the Gulf” Working Group Meeting II…
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Related Links

Read Labor Migration in the State of Qatar – Policy Making and Governance by Zahra Babar – published by the Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri) Read the co-editor – Zahra Babar’s…


Book Mehran Kamrava and Zahra Babar, eds., Migrant Labor in the Persian Gulf (Columbia University Press/Hurst, 2012). In some countries of the Persian Gulf as much as 85 to 90 percent of the population is…