Request for Proposals

**Note: The grant cycle for this project is now closed.

The Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) at the Georgetown University School ‎of Foreign Service in Qatar invites proposals from scholars and researchers interested in ‎conducting original research on the topic of “The Gulf Family.”‎

CIRS will award research grants to support fieldwork, original empirical research, and analysis on ‎this topic. Click here to view background information.‎‎

Grant Objective ‎

CIRS seeks to stimulate the collection of reliable data and the production of sound analysis on ‎the subject of The Gulf Family. Priority will be given to projects that ‎propose original, empirically-grounded research involving fieldwork on related topics. Award ‎recipients are expected to become active participants in the CIRS research initiative on the issue. ‎This may include travel to Doha for working group meetings, public talks, or authorship of a ‎chapter for an edited volume. ‎ ‎

Duration of Award‎

The awards can last up to a maximum of one year.‎

Funds Available ‎

Proposals will be awarded up to a maximum of US $25,000, based on the proposed nature of the ‎research and the budget submitted. ‎ 

Submission of Proposals ‎

Please send proposals to Completed proposal packets must be ‎submitted by September 15, 2014‎. Proposals submitted after that date will not be considered.

Proposal Details

‎Proposal packets must include the following items:‎

  • Abstract ‎
  • Complete Project Description
  • Detailed Budget and Narrative Budget Justification
  • Project Timeline
  • Two Sample Publications
  • Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator and other Co-Investigators


The proposal abstract must be a maximum of 250 words. The abstract must include project ‎context (the original thesis of the project, its significance, contribution to existing knowledge in ‎Middle Eastern and Gulf countries, what the proposed project contributes to current literature on the ‎topic), project description, methodology, and objectives. ‎ ‎ 

Complete Project Description ‎ ‎

The complete project description must be a maximum of 10 pages, double-spaced, in font no ‎smaller than 11 point. The project description should elaborate on the overall purpose of the ‎research, the specific questions the research proposes to answer, the research methodology to be ‎employed, anticipated project benefits and outcomes, and the schedule of the proposed research. 

CIRS is unlikely to fund research that does not propose original, empirically grounded research ‎involving fieldwork. ‎ ‎ 

Detailed Budget and Narrative Budget Justification ‎

The submitted proposal must be submitted using the Budget Template detailing the ‎anticipated expenses involved in the research. The proposal should also include a narrative budget justification, an example of which can be downloaded here. Typical items in the budget include, but are not ‎limited to, travel, per diem, printing and production, and supplies and materials. CIRS will not ‎fund indirect costs. Click here to download the Budget Template. To see a sample budget filled in according to the budget template, click here.

Project Timeline

A timeline for the intended research undertaking must be included, with a calendar breakdown ‎of specific milestones.‎

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to view a list of Frequently Asked Questions.‎

Human Subjects

For proposals involving human subjects research, certification of the Principal Investigator (PI) in ‎Human Subjects Research Training, if available, should be included as part of the proposal ‎submission. If awarded, the Principal Investigator must submit proof of Institutional Review ‎Board (IRB) approval. If the PI has not completed human subjects training at the time of ‎proposal submission, he or she must provide written verification of completion of Collaborative ‎Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training to the Georgetown University School of Foreign ‎Service in Qatar prior to the issuance of a grant.‎

Frequently Asked Questions

Submission Process & Procedures:‎

How should the proposal be submitted?‎

  • The proposal for “The Gulf Family” grant should be submitted in electronic format to the Center for ‎International and Regional Studies (CIRS) at ‎

What is the CIRS policy on late submissions?‎

  • Proposal submissions are due on September 15, 2014. Submissions received after ‎this date will not be considered. ‎

Duration & Funding: ‎

What is the maximum period for which funding is available under this grant? ‎

  • The total project period may not exceed more than 1 year.‎
  • Given that the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from ‎application to application, it is anticipated that the duration of each award will ‎also vary. Applicants are invited to submit proposals within a period of ‎performance that does not exceed one year. ‎

What is the maximum amount of funding available?‎

  • Awards can range up to US $25,000. ‎

Are grant recipients automatically eligible for a second round of funding?‎

  • This is a one year grant cycle. There will not be a second year of funding. ‎

Will funds be released to the recipients at predetermined stages set by CIRS, or will they be ‎received as per the recipient’s needs?‎

  • Georgetown University will reimburse the grant recipient directly for funds ‎expended while conducting research, but those expenditures should remain in ‎keeping with the approved budget and justification. The recovery of such out-of-‎pocket expenditures is achieved through the submission of a properly completed, ‎approved and supported expense reimbursement form. It is critical that original ‎receipts accompany the expense reimbursement form. ‎
  • Expenditures must be reasonable and appropriate and support the research ‎project. Keep in mind that these expenditures draw on funds administered by ‎CIRS and Georgetown University, and are subject to related University policy ‎and procedure, sponsor terms and conditions, and legislative compliance. Upon ‎award, the grant recipient will be instructed further on purchasing and ‎reimbursement to conduct the research. ‎

If the funds allocated are not utilized during the period specified in the proposal, can they ‎be carried over into the next year?‎

  • Funds should be utilized according to the given project timeline. Extensions may ‎be considered on a case-by-case basis.‎


Do grant recipients have to be based in the Gulf region for the duration of the award?‎

  • Grants will be awarded on the merit of original, empirically-based research ‎undertaken in one or more of the countries of the Gulf region. Grant recipients ‎must spend a portion of their time in one or more of the countries in the region ‎conducting primary research. 
  • Recipients are not required to remain in the region beyond the time of their data ‎collection for the purpose of analysis and documentation, though grantees will be required to travel to Doha as needed to attend Working Groups related to the research outcomes. Travel and other costs associated with participation in the Working Groups need not be included in the budget proposal.

What is the minimum time period that recipients are expected to be based in the Gulf region?‎

  • The time that a grant recipient must spend in the region will depend on the scope ‎and nature of their research undertaking and their commitments as stated in their ‎proposed work schedule.‎


Are there specific Categories of Expenses that should be followed when preparing the ‎budget? (Personnel, Equipment, Travel, Supplies).‎

What currency should be used for populating the budget template and budget justification?‎

  • USD ($).‎

Can the budget include indirect costs or is it strictly limited to direct costs?‎

  • No indirect costs will be covered under this grant.‎

Can the cost of equipment (computers, digital voice-recording devices, etc.) and other ‎electronic hardware tools be covered under the grant?‎

  • Equipment having a value per item less than $1,000 will be accepted in the ‎proposed budgets. Items of equipment that are valued at greater than $1,000 will ‎not be accepted. The equipment requested must be justified by explaining how it ‎is necessary to the stipulated scholarly research outcomes. ‎
  • Supplies (books, stationary, printer cartridges, etc.) should be listed as a ‎separate budget heading from Equipment for purposes of clarity.‎

Can the funding cover “in lieu of” salaries?‎

  • Yes, conditionally: If, for example, an applicant is from a think tank or academic ‎institution which pays 100% of the applicant’s salary, then the applicant should ‎identify the proposed effort to be spent on the project and total payment that ‎equates to the proposed effort.‎

Is there a budget template that applicants should use for submission with their proposal?‎

  • Yes, please click here. ‎For a filled sample budget to use for guidance, click here.


Are the grant recipients required to submit progress reports to CIRS during the course ‎of their research at regular intervals, and if so at which stages of the grant period are the ‎reports due?‎

  • Yes, a progress report must be submitted to CIRS at the half-way mark of the ‎research undertaking and at the conclusion of the project. Grant recipients will be ‎provided with a template for the progress reports. Additional reporting of both a ‎qualitative and financial nature may be required. ‎

Is there a post-award report due, and if so how long after completion of the grant period?‎

  • A Summary Report must be provided no later than 45 days after the completion ‎of the research grant period. Grant recipients will be given guidelines on what the ‎expectations are for the Summary Report.