Workshop: Race and Ethnicity in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia

On January 10-11, 2024, the Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) at Georgetown University in Qatar (GUQ) organized a workshop to discuss draft papers submitted under its Race and Ethnicity in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia research initiative. Over two days, the convened scholars presented and received feedback on their papers that…

The Struggles of Palestinian Prisoners

Shedding light on current imprisonment conditions and the escalation of mass-arrest campaigns across Palestine, the talk will highlight the centrality of imprisonment to Israel’s project of control and dispossession. Since…

CURA Research Skills Workshop: Tools for Effective Argumentative Writing

On February 8, 2024, the Center for International and Regional Studies (CIRS) hosted a research skills workshop titled “Tools for Effective Argumentative Writing.” The workshop was presented in collaboration with the Office of Academic Services at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q), under the auspices of the CIRS Undergraduate Research Advancement (CURA) program. Twelve undergraduate…

Qatar’s Creative Culture: Fostering Development and Diplomacy

This talk explores how Qatar is redefining the global cultural landscape, using its rich artistic heritage and innovative creative industries to forge new paths in diplomacy and spur national development. This talk unveils the strategies behind Qatar's success in turning culture into a powerful tool for international engagement and sustainable growth. Speaker: Nouf M. S.…

On Palestine: Hiwaraat Symposium

“On Palestine” features leading Palestinian voices, and is moderated by prominent broadcaster and author Mehdi Hassan. The symposium is organized around three thematic areas: justice and accountability, global media narratives…

Party Politics, Voter Behavior, and Hot Topic Issues

This panel discussion aims to address various topics such as the Republican Party's internal conflicts, the evolution of the Democratic Party across generations, the potential opportunities and challenges in a…

Conceptualizing Womanhood in the Arabian Littoral of the Gulf

Speaker: Maryam Alsada (Georgetown University in Qatar) Moderator: Trish Kahle (Georgetown University in Qatar) Location: Faculty Conference Room, GU-Q (First floor) Maryam Alsada is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities…

CURA Spotlight with Dr. Muez Ali

The discussion will highlight some key aspects of the conflict in Sudan, and dive into the role of the Emergency Response Rooms, local organizations vs international organizations, and also contextualize…